

Update Time:2025.03.21 Source: Clicks:9



In view of the inspection tour of the General secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China --Xi Jinping in Guizhou province & Yunnan province, we can find the three important points of promoting the national unity.



According to the Xinhua News Agency, from March 17 to March 20, the General secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China --Xi Jinping inspected Guizhou province & Yunnan province in turn where multiple minority nationality people is concentrated in these areas. He visited the villages of Dong Minority and the flower industry park, as well as the ancient city of Lijiang, gathered with the folk & the cadres together, collected the folk wisdom about the rural revitalization, industrial development, protecting & utilizing the cultural heritage of ethnic minorities, national unity & progress cause etc, dedicated to the development, and spoke about the beautiful future.
