

Update Time:2025.03.06 Source: Clicks:3

六、检修周期与内容Overhaul cycle & overhaul contents 1、检查周期:可根据设备的使用情况和检修能力确定,下表内容供用户参考。 Overhaul cycle: It depends on the equipment usage situation & overhaul capacity, please refer to the following table. 表4 Table 4 检修类别Overhaul type 小修Minor overhaul 大修Major overhaul 检修周期Overhaul cycle 2-3个月 2-3 months 12-13个月 12-13 months 2、检修内容:Overhaul contents : (1)小修内容:Minor overhaul: ① 检查和调整轴承并校核联轴器同心度。 Check & adjust the bearing, as well as rectify the concentricity of the coupling. ② 检查和调整地脚螺栓的松动现象。 Check and adjust the anchor bolts if they are loose. ③ 修复在运行中个别零件曾发生的缺陷,或更换之。 Repair the individual part which occurs to failure during operation, or replace it if necessary. ④ 清扫冷却水、封液管足。 Clean the cooling water pipe & sealing fluid pipe. ⑤ 根据漏损情况,重新调整填料的松紧或检修机械密封,对填料密封可更换部份或全部填料。 Based on the leakage and damage situation, you can adjust the tightness of stuffing again or repair the mechanical seals. Regarding the stuffing seals, you can replace partial stuffing or all the stuffing. (2)大修内容:Major overhaul: ① 泵解体取出转子及各部零件,并进行清扫。 Disassemble the pump, take out the rotor & all the components, and clean them. ② 检查泵内所有零件状况,测量其磨损、腐蚀和冲刷程度,必要时进行更换。 Inspect all the component conditions in the pump, measure the wearing degree, corrosive degree & erosion degree. You can replace the serious parts if necessary. ③ 装卸时用水平尺测量并调整泵的水平度,检查和调整联轴器的对中程度。 When assembling /disassembling, please use the level gauge to measure and adjust the levelness of the pump, check and adjust the centering of the coupling. ④ 检查轴套、压盖、填料环、卸压套、填料环、密封环、隔板衬套(导叶衬套)、中间轴套(定位套)等零部件各处间隙并进行测量。 Check all the gaps of shaft sleeve, gland, stuffing ring, pressure relief sleeve, stuffing ring, seal ring, spacer bushing (bushing of guide vane), middle shaft sleeve (positioning sleeve) etc, and measure the gaps. ⑤ 检查轴承(滚动与滑动)必要时应更换。 Check the bearings (including roller bearing and sliding roller), and replace it if necessary. ⑥ 清洗泵的封液、冷却水等附属管线、管件、重新压填料、校对压力表和更换润滑油等。 Wash and clean the liquid sealing pipeline, cooling water pipeline etc auxiliary pipelines of the pump as well as the pipes, and press the stuffing again, rectify the pressure gauge, change the lubrication oil etc. ⑦ 检查和调整轴弯曲和转子的跳动情况。 Check and adjust the bending situation of the shaft & the skipping situation of the rotor. ⑧ 小修过程中如发现较大问题应按上述相应情况处理。 If you find out major trouble during the minor overhaul, you also need handle it according to the steps mentioned above.